
What's In A Name?

We have a name...  I'll tell you, but you are only allowed to make encouraging comments :)

Jericho Faith

How much faith did Joshua have at Jericho?  I can only imagine!  Also, since we've already established the fact that some of my kids and some of Steph's kids are "intended" for one another, I think it would be fitting if we added Joshua and Jericho to that list.  The age difference isn't too much, and it would just be fun to sing "Joshua fit de battle of Jericho..."  :P

There seems to be much more I should be updating about, but I'm going to leave it at this for now.  And speaking of updates... if you've followed Steph's blog at all, but haven't checked recently, go see what's up!

I'll be back to post again soon. I have an appointment with my midwife today.  Can you believe we're at the 25 week point already?!?  Where does the time go!  I hope the remaining 15 weeks of this pregnancy pass as quickly as the first 25!


Steph T said...

LOL...Joshua and Jericho. :)

I wish mine would pass as quickly as yours has. But now that I'm preggers too, I'm sure to slow you down! :)

Steph T said...

I just read this post to Mitch. By the time I got to the line with "Joshua fit de battle of Jericho..." I was laughing so hard I couldn't finish the line. Mitch filled in the blanks and was pleasantly amused too. :)

Courtney said...

I think that's a great name!

We stopped telling people our name because the ones we did tell weren't very encouraging. Our little girl is Ellanie Charis.

Hope your 15 weeks fly by!