

When we lived in Buffalo (MN, not NY lol) the Monarch's would migrate through our backyard each year. There was a clearing between a row of shrubs/trees and the creek... you could stand there and actually HEAR them :) Well, it's been a lot of years since I've been able to experience anything quite like that.

Today, Tim came back in the house before leaving for work and said, "I left the three big milkweed next to the shed because I was told Monarch's like them. I looked at them this morning and didn't think they looked like they were doing too well." Two of them were completely STRIPPED of their leaves, and the other was well on it's way. Apparently Tim heard right... Monarch's do like milkweed (or at least they do in the caterpillar form!)

Update: Before posting this to my blog I took Chase out to look at the caterpillar's and now we could only find 3... don't know where the other went?!


Sal and Steph Gonzalez said...

Those are some pretty cool pictures you took. I have never had them in my yard that I have noticed.

Have a great weekend.

Sal and Steph Gonzalez said...

Hey, I love love love the hotwheels diaper. Thanks. It is so cute on Jaden and I am so proud he can wear such a fine piece of art. Love you...

Sal and Steph Gonzalez said...

Still lovin our hot wheels diaper. Thanks again for that. We should get together know that school is starting.

I know I still have to call you back and get you a menu. If you want to come over I could show you and print it out and my house.