Levi has some sort of oral fixation and often chews on things. His favorite thing to chew has been the tassels on his blankie. It's (they -- there are 2) are fleece and really disgustingly damp if they touch you. After getting after him several times (read "for weeks on end") I finally gave an ultimatum... stop chewing or the tassels would be cut off. This week, both blankies lost their tassels. The first I simply serged. Because of this, the tassels came off in one long line. Tim brought it upstairs and said, "Here buddy, this is all that's left of your blanket." Levi took a look, sighed, and said, "Okay..." and reached his hand out to take it. Tim assured him that I would be bringing the real blankie up in a minute, but it was cute that he was going to be okay with just the scraps. LOL
Today when I cut the tabs off the second blanket (it was already stitched) he gladly stood and watched and took piles of tabs to the garbage can until I was done.
He's still chewing... but it's not as bad as it was...
How old is your son? I have 2 boys that have an AU diagnosis. The younger one (4 this Sunday) still chews on a lot! This morning he nearly chewed the top off my younger guys sippee cup : (
How old is this lil guy?
I assure you, Levi is not in the autism spectrum. :)
Hey, a thought just occurred to me--do you think that Levi and Josh have similar personalities, or are they different? I think they are both on the "quiet" side...a little sweet (unless they both want the same toy, lol). Josh is my snuggler, that's for sure. I don't remember any of my other boys being as sweet on me as he is. :)
My Josh is NOT quiet, lol! Gabriel is the more quiet one. He is my other boy with the AU diagnosis. I hope you didn't take that wrong. Wasn't meaning your son has Au. My Josh is a snuggler too though : )
My sons chewing was so bad he was chewing our cable wires so this is no light issue here. He goes through toothebrushes quickly too. He will chew anything really...
How old is your lil guy?
Levi is 3. He does often have things in his mouth, but his blanket is the only thing that seems to ALWAYS be there! I'm noticing that since the fringies came off the blankets, he doesn't even carry them around the house a whole lot anymore.
Steph, I think Levi and Josh do have very similar personalities. That's why when they are together they become Octavius and Jedidiah. LOL
Ok, good, I was thinking the same thing about them being Octavius and Jedidiah! I love that name Jedidiah, too, and would probably use it for a boy if I could get past our use of it as a nickname for the other boys!
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