
How do you feel about drywall?

What's important to you?  Do you value things?  Or do you value life?

Back in 2008, I wrote a post entitled "Quiverfull".  It was an attempt to explain our views on children.  Those views are the ones we still hold today.  Go ahead and read that post if you missed it, or just need a refresher. ;)  At the end of that post I encouraged readers to ask questions... the offer to answer questions still stands.
This post was written by someone who was able to say, much more clearly, what I've tried to express.  (I've included a quote, but reading the entire post will more clearly explain the title of this post...)
"Comment after comment reveals our abhorrence of multiplying children, despite what the Bible teaches to the contrary.  We love one or two; After that, they decrease in value. And not just for our own families.  We abhor it in other families. I know.  I’ve seen their faces too many times.  I’ve heard people take the Lord’s name in vain upon hearing how many children I had. I’ve seen them look at my other children with sympathy–my children who ask almost daily, “When are we going to have another baby?” I’ve heard them question how we’ll feed them, as if they’ve never read Matthew 6.  These are Christians!  They all want to know if I know how to stop *it*….that “horrid multiplying of those things we don’t want more of”."
Take the time to read the recommended post, and also my old post.  Ask questions. Be blessed!

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