
Wordless Wednesday Who's Who


Kristin said...

Jericho - 3mo
Shiloh - 3mo
Levi - 5mo

Steph T said...

Ok, so I got Shiloh right, LOL. :o)

Anonymous said...

Hey I got it right too! But wow... no doubt that they are all related.

Angela C.

Heather said...

I had Levi right but thought that Shiloh was the first one. Then wasn't sure who the middle one was. Jericho had changes so much. It's been that long already. When are we planning another night in LF?

Unless you are free this thursday..I'm off and painting on the new house :) Wanna help!

Jessica Brogger said...

Hmmm... I got 'em all right! But you seriously need to make sure to label all of your pictures, because your kids look strikingly similar!

Kristin said...

It is pretty crazy how much alike they all look. And yes, if pics aren't labeled and don't have a date I have to resort to guessing based on backgrounds, clothing, and such. LOL I still have a few that I don't have a clue who it is...